As this is our first blog I've decided to look back over 2011 and show some off our successes. So here goes:
In March we were proud to win the Wetnose/Burgess award for Best Small Animal Rescue. We attended a star studded awards ceremony in London and our award was presented by Anthea Turner:

In May we attended the Tea Party at our favourite vets (Medivet A120) where we had our own stall. We sold items to raise much needed funds and gained a few new supporters:

On 17th May we took delivery of our smallest hoglets, which became known as the twins. A boy and girl weighing just 32 grams and 34 grams:

A few weeks later the twins photograph appeared on the BBC programme Spring Watch - Unsprung:

By July both had reached the ideal weight to go onto one of our carers and get used to being on grass and finding food for themselves. They were released back into the wild later that month:

We also successfully hand reared 'Bill and Ben' so called because they spent a few hours safely hidden under a flower pot. This is the boys just a month or so after coming into us, enjoying attacking my garden shoes:

On the 27th August 'Alan' the hoglet came into us cold, extremely weak and covered in maggots and ticks. It took Sophie (from the A120 vets) two hours to pick everything off him. He was returned to our carer Alan (who he was named after) a few weeks later and in October was released, fit and healthy:

Finally in November one of our very dedicated carers (Pam - on the left) raised £300 for us by organising the Albury Arts and Crafts Show:

During 2011 we took in 61 hogs - so what a busy year! I wonder what 2012 will bring?