Thursday 31 May 2012

The Story of Cyclops

Yesterday morning (Wednesday 30th May) I received a call from Marta (the head clinician) at a Medivet surgery based in the lovely village of Stansted Abbots, Herts. Marta had operated on a male hedgehog the day before and wanted to know if we could take him. It is very rare we are unable to take a hedgehog so on my way home I took a small detour to pick him up.

Cyclops enjoying his tea

Poor Cyclops had been found lying in the full sun in the middle of some grass. Because he had been spotted by Magpies they had attacked him, leaving nasty peck marks on his face and a badly damaged right eye. Marta was unable to save the eye so removed it. The operation went well and there is no infection however Cyclops is now circling. We are keeping fingers crossed this is his way of coming to terms with losing the sight of his right eye rather than another problem (neurological). Should he make it I doubt we will be able to release him, but he is young enough to adapt to a life in an enclosed garden.

If there is a lesson to be learned here it is if you see birds (namely rooks, ravens and magpies) circling and landing on a small brown lump in the middle of the grass it could be a hedgehog in dire need of assistance. The lady who picked Cyclops up most definitely saved his life and thankfully she found a sympathetic vet in Marta, who was willing to help any way she could. 

It is early days but we will keep you updated on his progress!

P.S. If you are wondering about Harry-ette she is doing extremely well. The infection appears to have completely cleared and she is putting on weight. If you missed Harry-ettes story simply scroll down.  

30th May 2012
You can still see the bite mark but she much improved 

1 comment:

  1. gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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