Friday 24 August 2012

Little Stinky's Story

Daisy one of our carers has been fattening hoglets for a few years now and releasing into her garden. On the 26th July I received a call from her, she'd found a small hoglet wandering around the garden during the day. We decided he'd need a little help and she placed him in one of her outdoor cages. 

'Little Stinky' the day Daisy found him

Daisy soon discovered this was a good idea as he had a badly infected wound in his back leg. The leg was very swollen and there were maggots in the wound. Daisy and her mother cleaned the wound as best they could then off to the vets he went. He spent the night at the vets, who cleaned the wound further and administered an antibiotic. 

I received a text on the 2nd August saying that although the wound was healing well it appeared he had broken toes. So back off to the vets for a check up. Since then Little Stinky has been going from strength to strength and on the 18th of August I received this photo of him.

Now weighing a fantastic 359 grams

If you look closely you can see his deformed toes, which thankfully shouldn't cause a problem when Daisy releases him in a few weeks time. Without help from Daisy this little chap would surely have died so THANK YOU Daisy for being such a star!!!

P.S. So if you ever see a hedgehog out during the day there is a very strong chance it needs a little help. Please pick it up and contact someone for advice. 


  1. Well done Daisy! That looks like a HUGE Stinky now!

  2. gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

    obat mata floaters tradisional,obat penghilang benjolan di bawah dagu tradisional,obat pereda radang gusi tradisional,obat pereda nyeri punggung tradisional,cara mengatasi kelainan tulang lordosis,cara mudah dan sehat membakar lemak di perut,obat penyakit silikosis tradisional,suplemen pembakar lemak tercepat,ganoderma plus capsule,obat pereda vertigo tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penyakit pneumonia,obat pereda sakit pinggang tradisional,obat pereda asam lambung tinggi tradisional,pengobatan tradisional kanker nasofaring,pengobatan tradisional paru-paru kering,pengobatan tradisional mata bintitan,pengobatan tradisional penyakit hepatoma,pengobatan tradisional kuku cantengan,obat pelebur batu ginjal tradisional,cara menyembuhkan alergi seafod,obat adenomysosis tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penurun darah tinggi,cara mengatasi mata presbiopi (mata tua),pengobatan tradisional cerebral palsy,cara menghilangkan melasma secara alami,cara mengatasi disfungsi seksual,cara alami menyembuhkan dermatitis,bahaya penykit wasir berdarah,pengobatan tradisional multiple myeloma,cara mengobati penyakit bronkiektasis,cara meredakan nyeri haid (dismenore),cara mengobati dermatitis seboroik,cara mengobati penyakit mata konjungtivitas,cara menyembuhkan batuk rejan,resep mendapatkan tubuh langsing yang ideal,cara mengobati sindrom ovarium polikistik,cara mengobati radang selaput otak,cara mengatasi mata merah dan berair,bahaya mengonsumsi obat kuat kimia,cara mengatasi vertigo yang sering kambuh,cara alami mengobati kanker payudara
